So, we are really excited about this new blog venture and all thats included in it.
"Saturdays with Profi" started as simply friends hanging out with each other one Saturday. Dave has a very good friend, Profi, who he has know for pretty much all of his life. He called up Profi one Saturday and asked him if he wanted to go with us to "Pedros", our favorite Mexican fast food place. So we drove out to San Clemente, ate some good food, and called it a day. Un-knowing of what we started the next Saturday we went to Pedro's again, also with Profi. And then the Saturday after that we all went to the 7-11 party to load up on our share of free slurpee's. hot dogs, drinks. etc. It was that third Saturday that we realized the little 3 week tradition we had started. We laughed it off and went on our way. So this Saturday it hit us that we did not want to let it go yet and once again called up Profi and made a trip out to TK to keep the streak alive.
So, here we are. Trying to keep track of all our outings with Profi each Saturday. We'll see how long we can keep it alive but we are hoping to do it until we move next Summer. At least it amuses us!